Saturday, September 22, 2007

funny signs, part 1

There is such a wealth of funny signs and terminology over here that I am confident that there will be more installations. For starters, here's a taster:

Only in England...

(That's "Nightly Bile Beans Keep You Healthy, Bright-Eyed and Slim")

(The first time I've seen the ability to get new skeleton keys cut)

Place Names...

(Gate is a street in York--this is the shortest one they have. Known in 1505 as Whitnourwhatnourgate (and meaning 'what a street!') it was changed later into its present name)

(How can you take a name like Skeeby seriously?)

(Somebody sure thinks a lot of themself--Studley Royal, come on)

1 comment:

Neil said...

Oh, I cannot wait to get there.
Only a week and a half left until we arrive in Glasgow.