Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday & Snow

To all of those who woke up in the wee hours of the morning to kick-off the shopping season, more power to you. For the rest of you who slept in, congratulations for keeping your sanity.

Of course Black Friday means nothing over here. Apparently the big shopping day here is the day after Christmas. Christmas shopping has been going full steam ahead since right before Halloween here. It's becoming more and more common to see Christmas wrapping paper rolls and Christmas decorations peeking out of the top of shopping bags as I walk to York. The Christmas decorations have been strung up and the windows are in holiday mode. More to come on all of that later.

We were hoping that our cultural lady was right and that the country doesn't celebrate Christmas in the over-indulgent, over-commercialized, over-stressed way that the US does. That doesn't appear to be the case. (Check out the Christmas Craziness commercial by clicking here or by going to the commercial list on the right) Apparently the retailers have learned from their American counterparts and the hype is high although, possibly, not as saturating.

Today I'll decorate our flat with the Christmas decorations we brought over and tomorrow we'll probably head into York for some Christmas cheer. As an appropriately timed start to the season, we had our first dusting of snow this morning. I didn't get to see it fall, but was able to catch it before it melted this morning. Although it's a little hard to see, it is snow and not frost in the photo...

We hope that you're all enjoying your holiday weekend!

1 comment:

Steph said...

It snowed here on Black Friday too! Very early- like around 7- saw it when I let the dogs in. It didn't last though. We slept in after that, but did go back out around 1 for unsuccessful sweater shopping for Greg and some misc. returns- what a day to make one is returning anything yet! :) Had to brave the mall Saturday to pick up the mac. Will probably put up part of the tree tonight... tis the season. That's disappointing that England goes nuts over Christmas too. Oh well.